Bodhi, also known as Menswear Dog, was a viral sensation and iconic Shiba Inu famous for his impeccable style. Discovered in 2013 when his owners dressed him in menswear, Bodhi quickly gained a massive following on Instagram, amassing over 375,000 fans. He modeled for brands like Coach and Brooks Brothers, appeared in top publications, and even released a book, Menswear Dog Presents the New Classics. Bodhi’s influence extended into lifestyle marketing and pet product merchandising. Sadly, he passed away in November 2024, but his legacy as a stylish and beloved cultural icon lives on.
Bodhi, also known as Menswear Dog, was a viral sensation and iconic Shiba Inu famous for his impeccable style. Discovered in 2013 when his owners dressed him in menswear, Bodhi quickly gained a massive following on Instagram, amassing over 375,000 fans. He modeled for brands like Coach and Brooks Brothers, appeared in top publications, and even released a book, Menswear Dog Presents the New Classics. Bodhi’s influence extended into lifestyle marketing and pet product merchandising. Sadly, he passed away in November 2024, but his legacy as a stylish and beloved cultural icon lives on.